A letter to...
/I hope you continue to feel safe and loved in my arms
You raised me
Fed me
Shown me —
Love and compassion
And I’ll always cherish your protection
From the gibberish of a child that is still learning to articulate himself
You listened to me
My first teachers
I walked and sprinted to your arms
Healed me every time I scraped my knee
From broken hearts and bruised egos
Black women have never left my side
If I bent the knee in-front of yours
Would you question the gesture
You waited
while i dated
I pained you
And you still said i love you
I overlooked you
Yet you still looked for me
I promise to love and cherish ‘till death do us part
I will continue to prove what’s in my heart
These vows shall attest my love
My actions shall express everything you are fond of
Black women have never left my side
You understand the complexity
Of what it means to be apart of humanity
And yet
You never let yourself forget
I too, deserved understanding
From our tough upbringing
You checked me
And never allowed me to falter
You had life harder
But you made sure my needs came fore
I demanded far more than I could give
But you never even thought to leave
I vow to walk you down the aisle
I will be there to move the dial
Even in his absence, my presence in your life shall remain
Black women have never left my side
I’ve always wanted a mini me
That I can groom surely
To be better
And go further
I will love you even if you happen to be more like your mother
To show you how you should be treated
Nothing in this world should have you heated
From sexism, inequality, racism, misogyny
You will walk through this world as God had foreseen
Free from what have been
I hope you continue to feel safe and loved in my arms